"Rich with sound and imagination, these masterful poems teach us to pay attention to not just the matter of our lives but the music of our lives."--Ada Limón
"All poets start out as artists, a blessed few eventually become craftspeople, too. Morri Creech is a craftsperson as well as an artist, and the poems in The Sentence are uncommonly well-made things."--Shane McCrae
"The Sentence is a book of reflections, refractions, raveling, and ramifications with breathtaking branchings of syntax, sonic permutations, and Frostian forks foreclosing other lives."--Dora Malech
"Somehow, remarkably, this collection seems both more impersonal and more personal than Creech's earlier work, more wide-ranging in its expression of common experience yet even more deeply felt, sentence by artful sentence."--Joseph Harrison
"The Sentence is Creech's best book to date, its feats of imagination his most sweeping and its reckonings his most clear-eyed."--David Yezzi
"For Creech's The Sentence, I'd use the word 'stunning.' Creech's control and craft is superb. His use of rhyme, magnificent. Nobody writes formal poetry as well as this. Nobody. I'm lulled and emblazoned at the same time. I love this book. I LOVE this book."--South Florida Poetry Journal