"If you'd like a book to put you in mind of the Mary Stewarts of yesteryear, but which has a poetic style and energy all its own, I recommend The Shadowy Horses. Lass, I don't ken what more you could ask for." -- All About Romance
"This was a fun enjoyable read, that sucked me on the first few pages. Easy to lose yourself in, and nicely paced." -- Jenny Loves to Read
"If you have read Kearsley's books before and enjoyed them, you will enjoy this one as well. It is an entertaining book that I had a hard time putting down. For those who have not read a book by Susanna Kearsley yet, I highly recommend starting with this one, it is a great book!" -- The Book Garden
"The last 30 pages were intense, heartbreaking, and wonderfully satisfying; I couldn't have asked for a better conclusion." -- Luxury Reading
"This one is going in my keeper pile" -- Burton Book Review
"Research, detailing, description, and dialogue blend together seamlessly, none intrudes on the other, but each enriches the storytelling style of author Susanna Kearsley. I'm pleased to give this book five stars!" -- Between the Pages
"THE SHADOWY HORSES is going on my favorites list for this year, and I'm so pleased to have discovered Susanna Kearsley's amazing writing talent." -- Book of Secrets
"The characters are well rounded, from the mad Quinnell to Verity herself, as the 'looking for adventure' girl." -- Stephen C. Ormsby
"This story will not disappoint." -- Historical Novel Review Blog
"The Shadowy Horses unfolds slowly and beautifully, combining mystery, history, romance, and the supernatural into an entrancing novel." -- Independent Publisher
"I'll be sure to read more books by her in the near future!" -- Quirky-Gurl Media
"This is an author who is very talented with crafting believable characters, with creating an atmospheric setting, and with making the past come to life. Well done and I can't wait for my next Kearsley read!" -- Ageless Pages Reviews
"A bit of everything, romance and a ghost that can't rest in peace." -- Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell
"This plot is superbly constructed with wonderful prose." -- La Deetda Reads
"I loved it." -- Kaetrin's Musings
"Ms. Kearsley writes in a very easy to read style that brings her places very much to life." -- Broken Teepee
"I recommend this one without hesitation" -- The Eclectic Reader
"This poetic novel will seduce readers with its beautiful prose and lush, vivid descriptions of the Scotland shore." -- RT Book Reviews
"Kearsley's tale is lush with romantic and ghostly threads." -- Kirkus Reviews
"I have enjoyed Ms. Kearsley's books and this one did not disappoint." -- My Book Addiction Reviews
"Kearsley's The Shadowy Horses is a decadent treat which goes down smoothly and leaves you begging for more." -- The Modern Mnauscript
"Do you love romantic suspense? Do you ever feel nostalgic about the Victoria Holt and Mary Stewart books you read in your girlhood? Are you apt to re-read Daphne DuMaurier's Rebecca once a year? If so, you will very likely enjoy Susanna Kearsley's fine new novel, The Shadowy Horses." -- The Romance Reader
"The Shadowy Horses is a great novel and one that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to my friends! I can't wait to read more from Susanna Kearsley!" -- Peeking Between the Pages
"So a smooth, descriptive style, characters who breathe on the page, attention paid to the details of the action and the characters' professions, a little humor, an intense growing love, a willingness on my part to believe the paranormal, they all lead to a great reading experience." -- Dear Author
"I look forward to reading it and collecting this author's back list" -- Obsessed with Books
"The story was captivating, the plot intriguing, and I could not put it down." -- Laugh Love Write
"Kearsley's lyrical prose brings the pages vividly alive with a breathtaking view into history and a captivating tale of romance, mystery, and ghostly apparitions" -- sherimelnick
"You could probably call me a Kearsley fangirl, and this is the best one yet in my opinion." -- Lunatic Ramblings
"Kearsley hooked me with just a few lines this spring when I read Mariana and it was the same with Shadowy Horses. She does an amazing job building the tension and suspense in her plots, setting up a gothically tinged atmosphere, spicing it up with a little romance, and completely enthralling the reader in the tale." -- No More Grumpy Bookseller
"If you're looking for an enjoyable, historical read with an equally good plot, give this book a try." -- Dear Olympia
"I eagerly anticipated this novel and was not disappointed." -- Under the Boardwalk
"I really liked the writing style in this book. Kearsley paints a vivid picture of the setting." -- Palmer's Picks for Reading
"The Shadowy Horses is a keeper that can be enjoyed again and again. It has layers and layers of actions, relationships, and emotions to be pondered." -- Long and Short Reviews
"One of the loveliest books ever written. Susanna Kearsley is a gifted story teller who will leave readers wanting more." -- Caycosta 72 - Book Reviews