A dazzling cast of characters.... A rivetingly intimate history lesson.--Anneli Rufus "San Francisco Chronicle Book Review"
Vivid social history that reads like a novel.... An impressive group biography.--Malinda Nash "Houston Chronicle"
These women were so powerfully, inescapably, passionately alive.... The book remains engrossing from beginning to end.--John Powers "Vogue"
Lovell deftly weaves together the various strands of her subjects' lives, making great use of letters, interviews and unpublished correspondence, as well as interviews with the two surviving Mitford sisters, Diana and Deborah.--Matthew Price "Newsday"
This biography presents a fascinating family to a new generation of readers.--Lisa Levy "Entertainment Weekly"
Lovell rises with aplomb to the challenges of a group biography, deftly weaving together the narrative threads of six at times radically disparate lives to create a fascinating account of a fascinating family.-- "Publishers Weekly"
A captivating read.--Amy Strong "Library Journal"
The Mitfords' stories have been told over and over again, but.... Lovell, utilizing previously unseen documents, explores the relationships between the sisters... and presents the utter 'fun' of this privileged but madcap family.--Allen Weakland "Booklist"