"The new edition of Sherman Billingsley's Stork Club Cookbook and Bar Book is a delicious treat and a vibrant, sparkling trip into the world of the most famous night club of the twentieth century. If one were to research the most glamorous club in the United States from 1930 thru the mid 1960s, there would be one club mentioned--The Stork Club! There was not a more sensational club in Manhattan, or anywhere else. 'Everything that rises must converge' and no doubt Flannery O'Conner meant at 'The Stork.' The food and ambience attracted youthful and beautiful debutantes like Brenda Frazer and Gloria Vanderbilt, and during World War II generals and uniformed soldiers laughed and danced with their wives and girlfriends. Movie star handsome John F. Kennedy brought many a date to the club, and the Roosevelts and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor frequented regularly. The most celebrated Broadway and Hollywood stars--Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Ethel Merman, and giants like Ernest Hemingway and Orson Wells--all enjoyed evenings at The Stork. This was the place to be seen and the Cub Room was 'the room.' Sadly we cannot visit today, as it closed its doors in 1965, but we can taste the delicious cuisine of chef-in-chief, Gustave Reynaud as he directs us in its preparation, and enjoy an Omelette Gloria Vanderbilt or a Stuffed Squab Damon Runyon, followed by a Lucille Ball Pink Lady! This book contains over 100 recipes and a charming introduction by Shermane Billingsley, the club owner's daughter. The energy, the pulse of the brightest club that gleamed for over thirty years, can be experienced and tasted in this delightful, expanded edition." -- Jane Lahr, author, editor, agent
"The new edition of Sherman Billingsley's Stork Club Cookbook and Bar Book is a delicious treat and a vibrant, sparkling trip into the world of the most famous night club of the twentieth century. If one were to research the most glamorous club in the United States from 1930 thru the mid 1960s, there would be one club mentioned-The Stork Club! There was not a more sensational club in Manhattan, or anywhere else. 'Everything that rises must converge' and no doubt Flannery O'Conner meant at 'The Stork.' The food and ambience attracted youthful and beautiful debutantes like Brenda Frazer and Gloria Vanderbilt, and during World War II generals and uniformed soldiers laughed and danced with their wives and girlfriends. Movie star handsome John F. Kennedy brought many a date to the club, and the Roosevelts and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor frequented regularly. The most celebrated Broadway and Hollywood stars-Cary Grant, Gary Cooper, Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio, Lauren Bacall and Humphrey Bogart, Judy Garland, Bert Lahr, Ethel Merman, and giants like Ernest Hemingway and Orson Wells-all enjoyed evenings at The Stork. This was the place to be seen and the Cub Room was 'the room.' Sadly we cannot visit today, as it closed its doors in 1965, but we can taste the delicious cuisine of chef-in-chief, Gustave Reynaud as he directs us in its preparation, and enjoy an Omelette Gloria Vanderbilt or a Stuffed Squab Damon Runyon, followed by a Lucille Ball Pink Lady! This book contains over 100 recipes and a charming introduction by Shermane Billingsley, the club owner's daughter. The energy, the pulse of the brightest club that gleamed for over thirty years, can be experienced and tasted in this delightful, expanded edition." - Jane Lahr, author, editor, agent