Discover the life of Neil Armstrong--a story about working hard and achieving the impossible for kids ages 6 to 9
Neil Armstrong became the first person ever to step foot on the moon. Before he flew space missions and made history with his moon landing, Neil was a curious kid who loved putting together model airplanes. He dreamed about pushing the boundaries of flight and studied hard in school to achieve his goals.
Explore how Neil went from being a young boy growing up in Ohio to one of the most famous astronauts in the entire world (and beyond!). How will his can-do attitude and strong dedication inspire you?
How will Neil Armstrong's story inspire you?
Discover activists, artists, athletes, and more from across history with the rest of the Story Of series, including famous figures like: Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright Brothers, Amelia Earhart, Albert Einstein, and Marie Curie.
Sarah L. Thomson has published more than 30 books, including prose and poetry, fiction and nonfiction, picture books, and novels. She worked as an editor at HarperCollins and Simon & Schuster before becoming a full-time writer. She lives in Portland, Maine. Learn more about her work at