Are There Aliens in Allagash?
Roberta is convinced she and her best friend Marilee can win the State Science Fair if only they can find an amazing project to showcase. And they've got the whole summer to work on it. But in order to win they'll need to defeat their chief competitor, "The Four Hs of the Apocalypse" Henry Horton Harris Helmsby.
When mysterious lights begin to appear over her hometown, Roberta has a brilliant idea: finding aliens in Allagash and proving they exist would win her first place for sure. Four Hs could never top that...or could he?
CATHIE PELLETIER is the author of fifteen books, including The Funeral Makers (a New York Times Notable Book), The Weight of Winter (winner of the New England Book Award) and Running the Bulls (winner of the Paterson Prize for Fiction). Two of her novels as K. C. McKinnon became TV films. She co-wrote Proving Einstein Right with National Medal of Science recipient, physicist S. James Gates. Her most recent book is Northeaster. She lives in Allagash, Maine, in the family homestead where she was born.
. . . a timeless coming-of-age story set in small town America. Hand this book to readers who enjoy good, old-fashioned stories.
"a heartfelt depiction of a summer of emerging self-realization."
"Entertains up through the wild twists of the final chapters."
"Richly drawn characters, a poignant family drama and girls who love science make this a winner"