"Stephen Norwood's groundbreaking research and eloquent pen have added immeasurably to our understanding of how Americans responded to Nazism in the 1930s. The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower reveals a painful but important chapter in our nation's history." - David S. Wyman, author of The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust, 1941-1945
"Stephen H. Norwood forcefully demonstrates [that] . . . some of America's top universities adopted a hear-no-evil attitude toward Hitler's Germany that bordered on complicity."--Ari Goldman, Columbia Magazine
"Norwood has opened the door so that American colleges and universities can be exposed for allowing Hitler and the Nazis to slaughter Jews with reckless abandon."--Jerusalem Post
"the first study of how a crucially important segment of American society responded to the Nazis."--Sueddeutsche Zeitung
"[A] disheartening history lesson. Norwood . . . knock[s] down one myth and then knock[s] down another. . . . that American Jews were silent and passive in regard to Nazism [and] that American universities . . . could be counted on to stand up for democratic ideals and human rights."--Jerusalem Report
"a carefully detailed and devastating written indictment of many of our nation's college leaders."--Les Kinsolving, WorldNetDaily
"Professor Norwood's book should be assigned in every college in America."--Rebecca Bynum, New English Review
"make[s] a compelling case that [university] presidents dozed, dithered, and ducked during the great and gathering storm of Nazism."--Boston Sunday Globe
"Professor Norwood . . . provides a comprehensive recounting--and persuasive indictment--of the reprehensible behavior of American colleges and universities and their leaders during the Nazi era."--Jerold S. Auerbach, Society
"Stephen H. Norwood . . . traces, in his compelling The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower, a chilling pattern in the Ivy League and the Seven Sisters, as well as in some state universities and Catholic colleges. From callous indifference to the rise of Hitlerism . . . to concrete instances of complicity with the Nazi regime . . . Norwood provides an indictment of Hitler sympathizers in power at the heart of American education. . . . fascinating to the general reader. . . . [and] an invaluable resource to scholars as well."--Forward
"already flaming controversies and debate. . . . [a] seminal study. . . . Norwood's book is a must read."--Steven Plaut, Front Page Magazine
"Stephen H. Norwoods The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower: Complicity and Conflict on American Campuses massively demonstrates how these professors...were themselves made respectable in America during the Nazi regime's formative years by the faculty and administrators of major American universities and colleges." -Edward Alexander, Chicago Jewish Star
"The Third Reich in the Ivory Tower depicts in stunning detail how, in the 1930's, when the Nazi regime was intent on winning international legitmacy, it received a significant boost from America's leading academic institutions..." -American Jewish History, Deborah E. Lipstadt
"In this thoroughly researched work on the nature and extent of sympathy with Nazi Germany at American universities during the 1930's, Stephen Norwood helps readers understand pre-World War II conditions from an international perspective." -Jewish Book World
"Norwood's tome, which shows how influential many American universities were in creating sympathy for Nazi Germany, helps explain the shocking survey among incoming freshmen at Princeton University in New Jersey in 1938 in which Hitler polled as the 'greatest living person." -Hadassah Magazine