"A stunning talent!"
Stephen Baxter is an acclaimed, multiple-award-winning author whose many books include the Xeelee Sequence series, the Time Odyssey trilogy (written with Arthur C. Clarke), and The Time Ships, a sequel to H. G. Wells's classic The Time Machine. He lives in England.
Twitter feed for the online edition of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, principal editors John Clute and David Langford.
Covers to books by Stephen Baxter, who was born on this day. To show some less-familiar images, the first three are from non-English editions. The artists are: Jim Burns and unknown (both for The Time Ships), Manchu (Raft) and Blacksheep. https://t.co/N6vXw8CK5a
Friendly skeptic with an appreciation for mustaches. #Writer. Also love live music and dancing. One more thing: I'm weird--get over it!
I decided to read a paperback for the 1st time in years. Picking one from the shelf at random, The Time Ships by Stephen Baxter, which I don't remember buying, and 6 paragraphs in, I realize I'm reading from the POV of a character by another book, The Time Machine by HG Wells!
Author of popular science books, science communicator and editor of the Popular Science book review website https://t.co/1KvBXNTIBY
Review (SF): The Time Ships - Stephen Baxter **** - Although this 1995 sequel to The Time Machine can be a bit stodgy, it makes great use of physics and really takes on time travel in a way few do. https://t.co/UUMRW9G82W https://t.co/mggMLwgNWK