John Seelye is a graduate research professor of American literature at the University of Florida. He is the author of The True Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain at the Movies, Prophetic Writers: The River in Early American Literature, Beautiful Machine: Rivers and the Early Republic, Memory's Nation: The Place of Plymouth Rock, and War Games: Richard Harding Davis and the New Imperialism. He is also the consulting editor for Penguin Classics in American literature.
Prof of Amer Lit & Studies. Dad to 2 amazing young men. We the People:; Of Thee I Sing: #ScholarSunday guru. he/him
Going back at least to Owen Wister's bestselling novel The Virginian, a staple of Wild West storytelling has been the laconic hero. From Wister to John Wayne's carefully curated image to Timothy Olyphant's paired characters in Deadwood & Justified, this type has endured.
I make figure drawings and talk incessantly about minutiae related to the Old West and Western films.
One of the black eyes of the Western genre is that so much of its tropes & themes originate with Owen Wister's 1902 novel The Virginian, which is a decent read & also a deeply evil apologia for lynching (though it draws the line at lynching a man for his race)...