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Book Cover for: The World's Most Well-Known Stranger: A Book About the Holy Spirit, Daniel Robinson

The World's Most Well-Known Stranger: A Book About the Holy Spirit

Daniel Robinson

Trust depends on something-a vital and growing relationship. However, getting to know the Holy Spirit is not merely an issue of trust; it is imperative in one's deepening relationship with Jesus Christ. In this book, page after page, the author continually illustrates this principle.

The emphasis is not on sensationalism or extremisms. It is on a relationship with the Person scripture names as the Holy Spirit. In autobiographical style, the writer establishes not only the biblical foundation for the doctrine of the Holy Spirit but his own growing relationship with this third Person of the Trinity.

Do you resonate with this sort of pursuit? If so, then please, in the words of St. Augustine, "Take up and read." The results? Only heaven can tell. But without question, those around you will be encouraged, and heaven will certainly be made glad!

Book Details

  • Publisher: Innovo Publishing LLC
  • Publish Date: Jun 15th, 2018
  • Pages: 166
  • Language: English
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 9.00in - 6.00in - 0.35in - 0.51lb
  • EAN: 9781613143902
  • Categories: • Christian Ministry - Discipleship• Christian Living - Spiritual Growth

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About the Author

Robinson, Daniel: - Dan Robinson began preaching in 1970 and has pastored churches in North Carolina and Virginia since 1980. He delivered his first sermon on the same day he sensed his call to the ministry. Dan has maintained a teaching ministry both domestically and internationally. Whether at the college or seminary level, his passion for ministerial students has found a hungry and welcoming audience. Dan's first book, Lord, The One You Love Is Sick, tells of his journey as a widower and of the Lord's sustaining ministry to him. In this book on the Holy Spirit, he continues in that same conversational style of writing. His academic credentials include a doctorate from Southwestern Seminary. Dan and his wife, Kaye, were married in 2007, following the deaths of their first spouses. Now living in Highlands, NC, their blended family includes six grown children, two of whom are in heaven.

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Praise for this book

"This book will help to fill a great need in knowing more about the
Holy Spirit. It does a superb job of making this important subject clear
and informative. A comment in the preface is very outstanding. It reads,
'One may know accurate theological information about the Holy Spirit
and yet not really know Him.' Two of the outstanding themes in this
book are brokenness and intimacy with God, which represents the work
of the Holy Spirit so well. What a joy it was to read this book. The space
of time in which we live can be properly called The Age of the Holy
Spirit; so we should be very knowledgeable of Him and His ministry.
This book will be a tremendous help in doing so."
--Rev. Paul A. Travis, Field Staff of Freedom in Christ International

"I came to know Dan Robinson through his marriage to Kaye, and I
love his heart for prayer and walking in the Spirit. Our stores and shelves
are filled with books on methods and programs and strategies. However,
Dan's book takes us back to square one: the power of the Spirit. In
these pages, you'll become intimately acquainted with the Holy Spirit,
His ways, and His purpose. This book is a valuable resource in plugging
back into the source and recognizing that He alone is our sufficiency in
life and ministry."
--Michael Catt, Senior Pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church

"It is with pleasure that I endorse The World's Most Well-Known Stranger,
authored by my friend and brother, Dan Robinson. The title might well
have been written by an old Puritan writer who, way back in his day, said
that the Holy Spirit was the least known, least loved, and least worshiped
of the Trinity. Sadly, the same condition seems to exist in our day. This
not an Ivory Tower treatise on the Third Person of the Trinity, but one
that comes out of years of walking with, and learning from, the one
who was sent to lead us into all truth. Dan speaks to the heart of the
Paraclete's mission--to point us to our Savior. 'When the Holy Spirit is given
the floor, He will point to Jesus.' Always! Thank you, Dan, for this reminder."
--Ron Owens, Musician/Author, Ft. Worth, Texas

"Each generation, it seems, is in desperate need of an authentic
reintroduction to the person and work of the Holy Spirit. With the current
proliferation of voices speaking to this issue, Dan Robinson's The World's
Most Well-Known Stranger arrives at a crucial time. Robinson takes us straight
to the Word of God where the Spirit introduces Himself, clearly, cogently,
and with convicting power. With its conversational tone, careful exegesis,
and easy-to-follow unfolding of truth, Robinson's book will become a
timeless and helpful addition to both your library and your life."
--Tom Elliff, President Emeritus, International Mission Board,
Southern Baptist Convention