"This is not just another book about evangelicalism--its fissures, successes, designs and contusions. Rather, it is a proposal for doing mere evangelical theology--mere as genuine, not minimal--one that draws on the wisdom of the entire Christian tradition. Well-written and clearly argued, this book offers a compelling way forward for the evangelical church today."--Timothy George, founding dean, Beeson Divinity School of Samford University, general editor, Reformation Commentary on Scripture
"Vanhoozer and Treier are calling for the development of a catholic evangelical theology by drawing from the resources of the Christian tradition. If their call is heeded, we will likely see the emergence of a more robust ecclesiology and a consensual orthodoxy unified around matters central to evangelical faith and practice. There is a bright future for evangelical theology and genuine ecumenism if their proposals are followed through."--Simon Chan, Trinity Theological College, Singapore
"In the last decade, Vanhoozer and Treier have been as busy as anyone else--arguably more so--on theological prolegomena and the full range of questions contested in that complex arena. Theology and the Mirror of Scripture gathers together the various strands of their arguments but also charts a coherent forward trajectory. This account is a veritable starting point for all those who would be mere evangelical theologians amidst the present ferment."--Amos Yong, professor of theology and mission, Fuller Theological Seminary, author of The Future of Evangelical Theology
"Kevin Vanhoozer and Daniel Treier, two of the leading theological voices in the evangelical world, have combined their adroit skills and wise insights to produce a lucid and thoughtful proposal designed to point evangelical theology toward a hopeful and constructive future. These two brilliant authors have initiated an inviting project shaped by a commitment to the truthfulness of Scripture, informed by the best of the Christian tradition and anchored in the trinitarian gospel. Theology and the Mirror of Scripture will delight many and challenge others, engaging not only theologians and scholars, but students, pastors and church leaders alike."--David S. Dockery, president, Trinity International University
"A deft treatment of the relationship between Scripture and evangelical theology, this book doubles as a lucid, winsome introduction to classic evangelical theology as a whole. Readers will encounter here not only a wide-ranging discussion of hermeneutical matters but also a clear-eyed, calm, faithful testimony to the 'mere' evangelical truth of God's act in Jesus Christ for the life of the world."--Wesley Hill, assistant professor of biblical studies, Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, Pennsylvania
"What you could have in your hands is a delightfully rich treatment of evangelical TIS. Theology and the Mirror of Scripture is not a dessert after your meal, but a full course meal. And, it is good."--Joshua R. Farris, Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, Autumn 2016
"There are many reasons to recommend this book. In their survey of evangelical diversity, the authors demonstrate the difficulty of finding an evangelical core set of doctrines; they propose a way forward through a Trinitarian understanding of the gospel. It is refreshing to read a treatment of evangelical method that has a central place for the church, that calls evangelical theologians to be ecclesiologically grounded and centered. Their emphasis on ecumenism, by which they mean evangelical unity in the midst of denominational and theological diversity, is also refreshing. . . . This would be an excellent textbook for courses in theological method and a helpful resource for students, teachers, pastors, and others who take theology seriously."--Glenn R. Kreider, Criswell Theological Review, Spring 2016
"Vanhoozer and Treier are, in short, much to be commended for their thought-provoking, lucid and compelling account. It packs a mighty punch, and easily stakes a claim to being one of the best introductions to the deeply Trinitarian and Christocentric theology underpinning the evangelical position. It is a volume deserving of a wide audience, not least in Anglican theological colleges."--Mark Smith, Churchman
"Theology and the Mirror of Scripture is an important contribution that will be helpful to church members, pastors, and theologians interested in the evangelical ethos, constructive systematic theology, Protestant ecumenism, TIS, and the often forgotten evangelical ecclesiology."--Elmer A. Guzman, Andrews University Seminary Studies, Autumn 2016
"Seasoned theologians will benefit from the wisdom--and call to wisdom--in this book. Theological educators will particularly want to put it in the hands of their students."--Nicholas G. Pitrowski, Evangelical Review of Theology
"In a wonderfully comprehensive and accessible manner, this book defines the essential elements of Evangelical theology, how Evangelical theology should be practiced by scholars, and how the Mere Evangelical movement can instantiate what Jesus and Paul are speaking about when they speak of 'the Church.'"--Matthew Levering, Modern Theology, April 2017