Schwarz's initial focus on European and American Protestant theology broadens to include the rich worlds of Catholic and Orthodox theology, also looking into liberation, feminist, African, East Asian, and Indian theology. Extensive primary source quotations from such varied and eminent theological figures as John Henry Newman, Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, Jacques Maritain, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, Desmond Tutu, and more enrich the experience by allowing them to speak in their own voices. All who are interested in doing theology will find Schwarz's Theology in a Global Context invaluable in charting their relation to the past, thus enabling them to set a course for the global theological future.
Wolfhart Pannenberg
-- University of Munich
"Hans Schwarz's Theology in a Global Context is the most comprehensive survey of theology and related literature during the last two hundred years. As such, it is a remarkable achievement. One of the book's advantages is that it presents all of the individual theologians in their social and cultural setting along with paying attention to their personal biographies. This book will prove helpful to those who study the course of modern theology in the last centuries."
Kurt Anders Richardson
-- McMaster University
"Better than any other single volume, Theology in a Global Context balances a highly competent presentation and analysis of the recent theological landscape and constructs an engaging narrative for its subjects. Schwarz's historical theological judgments in the prioritizing of issues and his abilities in clarifying complex debates of both the modern past and the constructive task are likely without peer. Students and educators will now benefit from this extraordinary achievement."
Reviews in Religion & Theology
"I caught again the sense of excitement that first drew me to [theology, ] was impressed by Schwarz's 'topography', and learned much from his descriptions of noted thinkers. I shall most definitely recommend it to students as one of the best, if not the best, 'travel book(s)' on the market."
Lutheran Quarterly
"A comprehensive yet remarkably accessible survey of theological inquiry over the last two hundred years. Few contemporary theologians would be able to achieve this work with [Schwarz's] clarity, winsomeness, and thoroughness."