Una niña encuentra un lagarto cornudo entre las calabazas, los tomates y chiles poblanos que crecen sedientos de lluvia en la granja de su familia en Texas. Su papá le dice que, si besa al lagarto, puede pedir un deseo. ¿Qué pedirá?
Cuando los ancestros de la niña vivían ahí, la tierra era fértil y verde, estaba llena de vida. Ahora, una sequía que ha durado décadas seca el suelo y mata las siembras. Pensando en sus ancestros y en su papá, el deseo que pide la niña es que llueva.
Esta conmovedora historia nos recuerda que, cuando se trata de sanar nuestra Tierra, el cambio a menudo comienza con un simple sueño: soñar con un mundo mejor.
In this lyrical picture book about the importance of caring for our Earth, a child and her father wish for a brighter, greener future for the parched land around their home.
When a girl finds a horned toad among the rain-starved squash, tomatoes, and poblanos on her family's Texas farm, her Pa tells her that, if she kisses it on the head --blech!-- she gets to make one wish. What will she wish for?
Generations ago, when the girl's ancestors lived on this land, it was lush and green -- full of life. Now, because of a decades-long drought, their soil is parched and their crops are dying.
The girl sees the worry lines on Pa's face getting deeper. She knows she has to do something to help. And so, thinking about the people who lived on this land before her, and all those who will live on it after her, she wishes for rain.
This poignant father-daughter story reminds us that, when it comes to healing our Earth, change often starts with a simple wish. With a dream for a world that could be.