Why an awareness of Earth's temporal rhythms is critical to our planetary survival
Few of us have any conception of the enormous timescales of our planet's long history, and this narrow perspective underlies many of the environmental problems we are creating. The lifespan of Earth can seem unfathomable compared to the brevity of human existence, but this view of time denies our deep roots in Earth's history--and the magnitude of our effects on the planet. Timefulness reveals how knowing the rhythms of Earth's deep past and conceiving of time as a geologist does can give us the perspective we need for a more sustainable future. Featuring illustrations by Haley Hagerman, this compelling book offers a new way of thinking about our place in time, showing how our everyday lives are shaped by processes that vastly predate us, and how our actions today will in turn have consequences that will outlast us by generations.
This edition includes discussion questions for reading groups.
she/her Co-Founder @ThinkTenMedia. Writer/creator. Projects abt: criminal justice, film, motherhood, genocide, Antarctica. Executive Director @JourneysinFilm.
"Geology is not concerned w/the nature of time per se but rather w/its unmatched powers of transformation." #AmReading Timefulness: How Thinking Like A Geologist Can Help Save the World b/c #AmWriting #OnTheIce, abt a woman geologist in the 20s. [Image: Earth age Geology GIF] https://t.co/QOVWgH1upY
Ed in chief at Bay Nature magazine. @baynature.org. Environmental science journalist. Formerly at Discover, Rain Media, Plenty, Cal Lawyer. Tweets my own.
News got you down? Here's some perspective. "Timefulness" a new book by geologist Marcia Bjornerud reviewed by @ChelseaLeu for@baynature https://t.co/w8Iff77tdG
EscribĂ un buen poema. Candidato a Doctor en Estudios Hispánicos @wustl. Investigo energĂa y extractivismo desde una lente ecofeminista. Educar es cuidar.
@RebTamas A New Refutation of Time by Jorge Luis Borges and Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World by Marcia Bjornerud.