From Helen Levitt to Garry Winogrand to Philip-LorcadiCorcia, the tradition of New York street photography hasattracted the medium's best and brightest. It takes nerveto join their ranks these days, and Mermelstein has plentyof it. Working in color, he's made some of the slyest, funniest street pictures of the past twenty-five years....
-Vince Aletti, The New Yorker
Jeff Mermelstein, I would say, is an absurdist with asense of humor.
-Max Kozloff
Twirl / Run, the second powerHouse artist's book by JeffMermelstein, is a surprising combination of two extensivebodies of work-women twirling their hair and peopleon the run-whose dissonance creates a new way ofobserving our prevailing anxiety and sense of disorder.