The co-op bookstore for avid readers
Book Cover for: Una Detective Con Olfato / A Detective with a Nose: Misterios Que Dejan Huella / Mysteries That Leave Their Mark Volume 1, Krista Davis

Una Detective Con Olfato / A Detective with a Nose: Misterios Que Dejan Huella / Mysteries That Leave Their Mark Volume 1

Krista Davis

Se acerca Acción de Gracias y el pequeño pueblo de Wagtail bulle de turistas que acuden a la famosa localidad pet friendly para participar en el popular concurso de galletas de jengibre para perros y gatos. Todo está a punto para que empiece el evento cuando el gran roble centenario que preside la entrada se desploma y deja al descubierto un cuerpo. ¿Pero quién es? ¿Cómo ha llegado hasta allí? El sargento Dave con la ayuda de Holly Miller y sus mascotas, la gatita Twinkletoes y la perrita Trixie, se pondrán a investigar para descubrir qué ha sucedido. ¡Nadie tiene mejor olfato para resolver crímenes que un verdadero sabueso!

Thanksgiving is approaching and the small town of Wagtail is bustling with tourists who flock to the famous pet-friendly town to take part in the popular gingerbread cookie contest for dogs and cats. Everything is ready for the event to begin when the large hundred-year-old oak tree that presides over the entrance collapses and reveals a body. But who is it? How did it get there? Sergeant Dave with the help of Holly Miller and her pets, the kitten Twinkletoes and the dog Trixie, will investigate to find out what has happened. No one has a better nose for solving crimes than a real bloodhound!

Book Details

  • Publisher: Editorial Alma
  • Publish Date: Jan 1st, 2025
  • Pages: 352
  • Language: Spanish
  • Edition: undefined - undefined
  • Dimensions: 0.00in - 0.00in - 0.00in - 0.00lb
  • EAN: 9788419599414
  • Categories: Mystery & Detective - Cozy - Animals

About the Author

Krista Davis, escritora superventas del New York Times, es autora de las series de misterio Domestic Diva Mysteries, Paws & Claws Mysteries y Pen & Ink Mysteries. Varios de sus libros han sido nominados al premio Agatha. Actualmente vive en la cordillera Azul, en Virginia, con dos gatos y una manada de perros. Sus amigos y familiares se quejan de que Krista les utiliza como conejillos de Indias para probar sus recetas, pero siempre acaban volviendo a por más.

Krista Davis, a New York Times bestselling author, is the author of the mystery series Domestic Diva Mysteries, Paws & Claws Mysteries, and Pen & Ink Mysteries. Several of her books have been nominated for the Agatha Prize. She currently lives in the Blue Ridge, Virginia, with two cats and a pack of dogs. Her friends and family complain that Krista uses them as guinea pigs to test her recipes, but they always end up coming back for more.