Explora El Mercado en esta edición en español de ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market --un libro ilustrado de bolsillo de Raúl the Third, en la lista de superventas de New York Times y ganador del tres Premios Pura Belpré--.
Explore the marketplace in this Spanish edition of ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market--a paperback picture book from New York Times bestselling, three-time Pura Belpré Award winner Raúl the Third.
¿Qué verá Little Lobo en el mercado hoy?
Mientras que él y su perro, Bernabé, hacen entregas, se detiene a visitar a sus amigos vendedores de dulces, revistas de historietas, títeres y más. ¡Hay tantas cosas que hacer y ver! Acompañen a Little Lobo y a Bernabé en su visita a un bullicioso mercado de ciudad fronteriza, ¡y aprendan inglés en el camino!
Bilingüe de una manera novedosa, esta alegre aventura por el español enseña a los lectores palabras sencillas en inglés mientras gozan de la bulliciosa vida de una ciudad fronteriza. ¡Sigan a Little Lobo y su perro, Bernabé, mientras hacen entregas a una variedad de vendedores!
What will Little Lobo see at the Mercado today?
As he and his dog, Bernabé, make deliveries, he stops to visit his friends who sell candy, comic books, puppets, and more. There are so many things to do and see! Join Little Lobo and Bernabé for a visit to a bustling border town market and learn some English along the way!
Bilingual in a new way, this colorful Spanish adventure teaches readers simple words in English as they experience the bustling life of a border town. Follow Little Lobo and his dog, Bernabé, as they deliver supplies to a variety of vendors!
Raúl the Third is the New York Times bestselling, three-time Pura Belpré Award-winning author-illustrator of ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market, ¡Vamos! Let's Go Eat, ¡Vamos! Let's Cross the Bridge, and the rest of the World of ¡Vamos! He illustrated Schneider Family Book Award honoree Stuntboy, in the Meantime, by Jason Reynolds, and the Lowriders series, by Cathy Camper. Raúl was born in Texas and grew up going back and forth between El Paso and Ciudad Juárez, México. He now lives in Medford, Massachusetts, with his New York Times bestselling collaborator, Elaine Bay, and their son, Raúl the Fourth.
Elaine Bay is the New York Times bestselling colorist for ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market, ¡Vamos! Let's Go Eat, ¡Vamos! Let's Cross the Bridge, and the rest of the Pura Belpré Award-winning World of ¡Vamos! She is also the colorist for Schneider Family Book Award Honoree Stuntboy, in the Meantime, written by Jason Reynolds and illustrated by her New York Times bestselling collaborator, Raúl the Third. Elaine grew up in El Paso, Texas. A printmaker, graphic designer, video artist, and performance artist, she now lives in Medford, Massachusetts, with Raúl the Third and their son, Raúl the Fourth.
"Nos quitamos el sombrero ante Raúl the Third por este nuevo libro ilustrado BRILLANTE y HERMOSO. Pueden leerlo cien veces y ver algo nuevo y extraordinario cada vez". -- Dav Pilkey, autor de la serie Dog Man, en la lista de superventas de The New York Times, acerca de ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market
"El diseño gráfico en forma de paneles ilustrados ocurrentes y estilosos chispea con una energía cómica divertida y actual". -- Publishers Weekly (reseña destacada), acerca de ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market?
"Las ilustraciones estilo cómic de criaturas antropomórficas, objetos y lugares están llenas de detalles y explorarlas es un gran placer.... Una búsqueda del tesoro de palabras en español y elementos culturales mexicanos". -- The Horn Book (reseña destacada), acerca de ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market
"Vocablos bilingües incorporados en el diálogo, en letreros y en textos salpicados invitan a todos los lectores a pasarla maravillosamente advirtiendo de lo que conocen y descubriendo lo que no". -- The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (reseña destacada), acerca de ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market
"Este libro ilustrado entretiene e informa a los lectores valiéndose de dibujos frescos y atractivos que cultivan el vocabulario en español y las referencias culturales. Un ganador". -- School Library Journal (reseña destacada), acerca de ¡Vamos! Let's Go to the Market
"Hats off to Raúl the Third for this BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL new picture book. You can read it a hundred times and see something new and extraordinary every time." -- Dav Pilkey, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Dog Man series
"Witty, stylish panel artwork crackles with funky comic energy." -- Publishers Weekly (starred review)
"The comics-style illustrations of anthropomorphic creatures, objects, and places are full of detail and very enjoyable to explore.... A scavenger hunt of Spanish words and Mexican cultural elements." -- Horn Book (starred review)
"Bilingual terms embedded in dialogue, signage, and stray scraps of text invite all readers to have a grand time latching onto what they know and figuring out what they don't." -- Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review)
"This picture book entertains and informs readers through fresh and engaging art, advancing Spanish vocabulary and cultural references. A winner."
-- School Library Journal (starred review)