Some people think hats are fancy things you can buy at a dressy store, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. In this book, acorns and raspberries are snug hats for your fingers, and an empty pudding cup is a good hat for a stuffed bear. Pajama pants make dangly hats, books can be dramatic hats, and bubbles make very fine hats as well (if temporary). Readers will be delighted to discover that anything can be a hat if you believe it is. Hats are everywhere you look!
Blanca Gómez is an illustrator and designer who started creating illustrations for her mother when she was just a child. Now her art can be seen around the world. Her clean, colorful images, filled with playful elegance, are on display at her Etsy shop and in her picture books Besos for Baby, City Moon, One Family, Red House Brown Mouse, and City Bird.
★ "Full of bright colors and strong shapes, and centering doll-like characters with an array of skin tones, digitally enhanced collage art from Gómez contributes bountifully to this book's classic feel, offering an openhearted aesthetic playfulness that promises to inspire audiences' love of categorization." --Publishers Weekly, starred review
"Whimsy and imagination fill the pages of this colorful title dedicated to covering not just your head . . . Illustrations of a diverse cast of round-faced adults and young people are reminiscent of the style of Christian Robinson and are wonderful for the intended audience. Children will love the bubble-covered bottom of a character taking a shower on the spread celebrating pajama pant hats and twirly towel hats." --School LIbrary Journal