Over 160 documentary photos, some of the most signifi cant ever taken on the subject, bring the reader along a journey to a world in which healing with plants, ritual and magic play an essential role in everyday life. Richard Evans Schultes, former Director of the Botanical Museum of Harvard University, led an extraordinary life that bridged the worlds of academia and tribal cultures. Carrying out extensive fi eld studies since 1939 as an ethnobotanist and conservationist, Schultes has received acclaim from many sources, including the Cross of Boyacá-- Colombia's highest honor, the Tyler Prize for environmental achievement, the Linnean Gold Medal, the highest prize a botanist can receive, and many more.
"Quite simply a masterpiece. . . . Vine of the Soul deserves to be read by everyone interested in rainforests, indigenous peoples, shamanism, hallucinogens, ethnomedicine and conservation." -Mark Plotkin, President, Amazon Conservation Team
"Even to look at the book's cover . . . conjures up, well, another world! The giant Ayahuasca vine hanging the length of the Great Tree . . . with the deep green rainforest jungle as backdrop, teeming with . . . dangers and delights! Adventures! Unpredictabilities! Nothing ever standing still! Surprises teeming around every corner. Vine of the Soul contains some of the most significant photographs on this subject ever taken plus detailed descriptions of the use of plant substances, with information on their bioactive chemistry. This is a book you'll go back to throughout your life." -Fraser Clark, UP! magazine, Parallel University
"Vine of the Soul is replete with synergism. The inclusion of the preface by Wade Davis, a former student of Dr. Schultes, and a dedication in the fore-material is a welcome addition to the second edition. All writing in the book . . . complements the scholarship and the incredible photographs, making the whole better than the separate parts. Each segment fits the other like hand and glove, as smoothly as heavy cream pouring from a pitcher. Synergetic Press is to be commended for publishing Vine of the Soul. It will be useful and appreciated by many at all levels . . . is a highly recommended book." -Willard Van Asdall, retired professor, University of Arizona, former editor, Journal of Ethnobiology