This book is humbly written, while craving the inspiration of God. I am a humble minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and as such, I am passionately interested in seeing HIS great will accomplished. As believers, we are the church, and we have a responsibility of recognizing the current condition of the church. We MUST determine if the church is, in fact, spiritually impacting our mission field, as our great God has designed. What can we clearly see, and determine, about American society TODAY? There is racial discord, there is violent hatred, and there is utter confusion. American society is spiritually self destructing due to this discord, hatred, and confusion. There is NO doubt, the church is meant to be a very proactive solution to the spiritual destruction of our society, NOT a contributor, or even a silent by-stander. Our great God, the head of the Church, Christ Jesus our Lord, in NO WAY promotes discord, violent hatred, or utter confusion, for HIS people. The church is meant to have a bond, and a unity of Spirit that is, in fact, much stronger than the bond of blood, or race. In reality, the STRONGEST bond of unity, are those that are bound together by the Spirit of God, through the blood of Christ. The church CANNOT be segregated by race, or any other demographic. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in The Lord. Society around us is falling hard. Each of us, as believers, certainly has a mission field. This mission field begins with our own family, and extends to the church, and the community around us. We have a holy obligation to serve in our mission field, as ambassadors of Christ. If we are not serving, and loving as Christ, than what we do is FRUITLESS, no matter how good it may appear. A strong spiritual effect on our mission field, will only be accomplished when we minister, as Christ Himself would minister. American society today is under a powerful spiritual stronghold. Christ working, through HIS church, is the power to break that stronghold in the lives of people. It is very sobering to realize that Christ is now, sitting at the right hand of The Father, empowering us, the church, to battle and overcome for a spiritual victory, in our mission field. I pray these humble words will encourage each of us, to take hold of the mantle given to us by Christ Himself, and finish our course with great victory, and Joy. Our great God is worthy, of our hard labor, for HIS great glory.