Warning: This book may cause flatulence. This is the Spanish edition of the beloved New York Times best seller. Walter is a fine dog, except for one small problem: he has gas. He can't help it; it's just the way he is. Fortunately, the kids Billy and Betty love him regardless, but Father says he's got to go! Poor Walter, he's going to the dog pound tomorrow. And then, in the night, burglars strike. Walter has his chance to be a hero. A children's beloved classic, this story will have kids rolling on the floor with laughter. Adults are permitted to laugh too.
Glen Murray is a supervisor for educational technology in New Brunsqick, Canada. He spends a lot of time in schools where he often mixes business with pleasure by reading to elementary classes. He has written radio dramas for the CBC, as well as articles on Canadian history and technology. He recently worked with the Lung Association on their Flight for Life project, raising awareness from coast to coast about air quality and the enviornment.
Audrey Colman is an artist and designer living in Berkeley, California. Her art has been featured in a variety of products from magazines, posters, and other print work to multi-media projects. This is her first children's book. She is also the author and illustrator of Francine, Francine the Beach Party Queen! Visit her art at www.goodartstudio.com.
"Is there any reason to purchase this, besides the fact that kids will find it hysterical? The dialog is clever...and the art is quite ingenious. Seemingly computer-conceived characters--including Walter complete with a permanently abashed expression--are unique efforts, as are the smoothly colored backgrounds. All in all, it's a gas.