Praise for Allen Crawford's (aka Lord Whimsy) "The Affected Provincial s Companion, Volume One"
one of the more charming treatises to come along in yearsIn short, [Crawford] glorifies almost every aspect of Homo Affectusas [his] book points out, being a dandy isabout imagination, about dreaming up and acquiring and embodying a mixture of traits and clothes and habits peculiar to you. And if they seem peculiar to everyone else, well then, they had better catch up, hadn t they?
The "New York Times"
"Ask Whimsy, and he may call himself a crack-pot or a shut-in. But if you want the full answer, hightail it to a bookstore and secure a copy of one of the most entertainingand certainly weirdestnon-fiction titles of the summerThe Companion is a lifestyle battlecry, both quaint and radical, lighthearted and dead serious"The Affected Provincial s Companion" may never dislodge The South Beach Diet as a guide to post-modern American living, but it is a lot more fun than any rivals in the field. After reading this eccentric s creed, it feels good to know that a book this quirky can still get published. And good, too, to know that Whimsy is out there, tending his bug-eating plants and dreaming up his next shot at boring mainstream life."
The Associated Press
"We humbly endeavor to showcase the talents, both literary and graphical, of the aforementioned Lord Whimsy. While he has been widely denounced as a cad, rake, and sipper of porridges, we humbly submit that he is also a splendid raconteur and a canny quillsman. Granted, he is also something of a bounder. But, gentle reader, let the work speak for itself. Witness his rousing jeremiad against Sporting Wear. Admire his scientific chart detailing the improbable physics of Self Congress. Behold the impeccably turned out man-about-town. We are confident you will find this dandy s manicured musings a bracing tonic against the enervating drudgery of the modern world. Was it not the great Gallic thespian Gerard Depardieu who once exclaimed, Ah, Whimsyun homme d esprit! Yes, it was not."