The boy looked in the infant's eyes
And in his heart he knew
The babe would be a carpenter
He'd be a shepherd too.
This beautifully crafted picture book that envisions a young boy, a shepherd and carpenter both who, out of love and kindness, cleared the way for another shepherd and carpenter to be born on Christmas day. Told in gentle rhyme and illustrated with Ashley Bryan's enormous talent, this is a picture book that captures the reason for the season in all its wonder and beauty, celebrating Christmas, the kindness of children, and the new hope born with each new baby.
$16.99 hardcover, 9781442409347, 40p., ages 4-8, October 2, 2012)
Poet and artist Ashley Bryan (Beautiful Blackbird) shifts the nativity
story to a child's eye-view with this moving tale of a boy shepherd and
carpenter who invites Mary and Joseph to take shelter in the stable he
built. Tempura and acrylic illustrations resemble watercolors as they
evoke the feeling of stained glass, and the characters' faces reflect
the citizenry of Egypt and the Middle East through which the Holy Family
traveled. Exquisite. --Jennifer M. Brown-- "Shelf Awareness"
--Publishers Weekly, *STAR
--"Kirkus Reviews, *STAR USANKCO -