Why are there famines, diseases, earthquakes, fires, crime, war, death and human suffering? Doesn't God care? If so, then why does He allow it to continue? Is there even an answer? There is, and I will answer it. God gives us the answer and it is in the Holy Bible, you just know where to look and how to understand how God views such suffering.We all have had bad things happen, and many of us know others that have probably suffered more than ourselves. All over the world there are troubles, either because of natural disasters or man's inhumanity to man.Today the world is rushing towards a climax that will end in a battle that will destroy all life from our planet. Only God's intervention will stop our own extinction!This book explains why all the suffering, the troubles, the evil in the world. It also explains why and how God will put an end to it. Some of the things will surprise you.