Nozomi Hayase was born and grew up in Japan. When she was young, C. S. Lewis's fantasy novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe captured her imagination. Inspired by this story of a moral battle, she aspired to become a writer to tackle the dilemma of good and evil. As a young adult, she moved to the United States. From civil rights to the peace and free speech movements, she saw the story she loved as a child unfold in ordinary people's struggles for freedom in America. In 2010, WikiLeaks' publication of the Collateral Murder video was a turning point. She found the impulse for social justice carried onto a global stage, with the Internet becoming a battleground. She is a columnist and essayist whose writing is dedicated to liberate potent forces in history that allow us to participate in creating the future. She holds an MA in human development and a PhD in psychology, and has years of experience teaching adolescents.