The mysterious forces circling X-Force begin to come into focus, and the fractures were just the beginning! Meanwhile, for all of the pain he's endured, losing Storm may be the biggest regret of Forge's life. But as he reunites with both Ororo and Mystique, this unlikely "love triangle" might break more than just a few hearts! Meanwhile, the romance of Betsy Braddock and Rachel Summers has been fraught with challenge -- but can they navigate the mysterious problem with Rachel's powers and still survive the machinations of the alchemical menace known as La Diabla? Plus: Why is X-Force battling Colossus? And Forge assembled X-Force to fix the world's problems -- but what happens when, at last, the Solution reveals itself?!
COLLECTING: X-Force (2024) 6-8, 10
Since his start on the New Universe's Psi-Force and backup stories in Classic X-Men, Fabian Nicieza has written most of Marvel's major super-teams -- including Alpha Flight, the Avengers, the New Warriors, the Thunderbolts and the X-Men. Together with artist Rob Liefeld, Nicieza transformed New Mutants into the blockbuster X-Force. The writer also tackled solo heroes ranging from Cable and Deadpool (later combined in Cable & Deadpool) to Gambit and Nomad. He edited Marvel's Star imprint, contributed to multititle X-events like "X-Cutioner's Song" and "Phalanx Covenant," and wrote various "pre-modern" limited series such as Adventures of Captain America and Citizen V and the V-Battalion. Elsewhere, he has written both JLA and Justice League Adventures, The 99, Turok, X-Files, and others.
Born in Alberta, Marcus To has been drawing since childhood but never dreamed he would be able to do it professionally. In 2009, he made the move to Toronto; that same year, he started working for DC. In 2010, he joined the Royal Academy of Illustration and Design studio in downtown Toronto. To's Marvel credits include Black Panther, New Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men: Blue and New Warriors, but Excalibur is his longest and most acclaimed run.