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Books That Were Seeds for My Novel

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Every novel I write owes a great deal to the stories I’ve read throughout my life. Some of these stories date back to my childhood, or are volumes I read in my twenties when my creative being was forming out of California woods and sand. Others still are books I intentionally read as research once the project was underway. Some stories are easily recognizable as writing inspiration from the consuming way they take hold of my imagination and mesmerize me from cover to cover. Other seed books are only obvious to me much later. And probably there are other stories that poured some ingredient into my own writing, that go completely forgotten, never to be rediscovered as an early seed. But here is my list of books (novels, poetry, memoir and non-fiction) that burrowed roots and sprouted first buds that eventually grew into my newest novel. Here’s the seed books for Confuse the Wind.

Book Cover for: Confuse the Wind, Rachel Stolzman GulloBuy Rachel Stolzman Gullo's book “Confuse the Wind” on Tertulia
6 books