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Book Cover for: Climate, Whitney Hanson


Whitney Hanson

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The only constant in life is change. Climate is a journey in embracing change both internally and externally. It guides you through all the weather you face. From heartbreak to the storms we create inside our brain, Climate reminds you to embrace the sun, storm, and rain. Most importantly, it emphasizes the beauty, value, and consistency of change.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Whitney Hanson
  • Publish Date: Nov 10th, 2022
  • Pages: 346
  • Language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.50in - 5.50in - 0.72in - 0.88lb
  • EAN: 9798218082512
  • Categories: Subjects & Themes - Death, Grief, LossWomen AuthorsLGBTQ+

Praise for this book

look at the way the clouds move not fast enough for us to notice unless we are paying attention healing is a lot like that one moment it's raining and the next the sky is clear you're not always sure how it changed but suddenly the sky is blue again

look at the way the clouds move not fast enough for us to notice