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Book Cover for: Fajr and Noor, S. Hukr

Fajr and Noor

S. Hukr

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Fajr and Noor is a collection of quotes and poetry. A book filled with Noor that will illuminate your soul and guide you into a true Muslim. It is about the life of starting your day with Fajr and adorning yourself with Noor.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Fajr Noor
  • Publish Date: Jan 23rd, 2021
  • Pages: 208
  • Language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.00in - 5.00in - 0.48in - 0.51lb
  • EAN: 9780645349924
  • Categories: Islam - GeneralMiddle EasternSubjects & Themes - General

About the Author

S. Hukr: - I am a traveller just like you. On a journey to my grave. I am nothing but whatever Allah honours me with, whatever he guides me too.I hope my books, my efforts and my intentions become a source of blessings for me, you and all those who are lost on their journey. I hope my righteous work leads me to benefit everyone.I never thought I would be an author, I never thought I would have thousands of people who become inspired by me. But I am grateful for the opportunity that Allah has blessed me with. My life changed once I understood the meaning behind God's words. I hope to inspire positive change through my books and it seems to be working. May Allah guide us all towards his light and I hope to you see in Jannah one day. For enquiries or collaborations contact: