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Book Cover for: Dear Self,, Patience Tamarra Davis

Dear Self,

Patience Tamarra Davis

Reader Score


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dear self, is a free-flowing collection of gentle reminders and loving affirmations centered around self-love, self-acceptance, growth and healing. This collection takes you on a journey of deep reflection and introspection until you uncover the many layers of yourself that have been waiting to be loved.

Book Details

  • Publisher: Patience Tamarra Davis
  • Publish Date: Jan 19th, 2021
  • Pages: 158
  • Language: English
  • Dimensions: 8.00in - 5.00in - 0.37in - 0.39lb
  • EAN: 9780578828381
  • Categories: Personal Growth - Self-EsteemWomen AuthorsSpiritual

About the Author

Davis, Patience Tamarra: - Patience Tamarra is a writer, intuitive healer, spiritual practitioner and creative who has dedicated her life's walk to nurturing self-love through community. She leads virtual and sometimes physical community healing circles and spiritual retreats that help assist others with living a more consciously aware life through writing, introspection and other sacred practices. Her words are her refuge and her way of navigating through the lightness and darkness of life. She believes that no one should step into their healing alone so she extends her hand out with grace, love and compassion through her words to support others as they navigate their own healing journey.