Anthony Cody Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Anthony Cody on X
#TheRendering & #BorderlandApocrypha w/ @Omnidawn | American Book Award, Whiting, Nat'l Book Award Finalist & other things | CoPublisher @Noemi_Press | Educator

Juan Felipe Herrera
In a few hours (7pm PST), I get to read alongside my 💖 @maider_vang for the @UAPoetryCenter as we wind down our Summer Residency. I’ll be reading from #BorderlandApocrypha (@Omnidawn), scrolls / videos from new work, & translations from #Akrilica (@Noemi_Press). 👾 Join us.
Paperback, 2022
$24.00$12.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Bareback Nightfall
Joshua Escobar
@Omnidawn @PENamerica @maider_vang @GraywolfPress @FresnoStateEngl @AAHedgeCoke @rugamarspr @craigsperez @Noemi_Press BAREBACK NIGHTFALL (@Noemi_Press) by Joshua Escobar was a finalist for the California Book Award. I helped co-edit this collection and to see his labor/vision/risk be honored, filled me with a joy that I still cannot fully describe. Link:
Paperback, 2020
$18.00$9.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Yellow Rain: Poems
Mai Der Vang
I'm still here and can't imagine any other life, wherever it may lead, here or elsewhere (gotta eat, too), living alongside the only person I have ever hoped to impress with my poems, Mai Der Vang. One day, I'll make you proud. ❤️🔥
Paperback, 2021
$17.00$8.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
J. D.'s Groove: Poetry
John D. Evans
Honored to serve as a judge for the @latimesfob poetry prize w/ new friends CM Burroughs & John Evans. Thankful for all the poetry put into the universe in 2022, but also for these 5 collections that were finalists, & for the gift of futurity from the winner: Dionne Brand.
Paperback, 2008
$12.95$6.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Islands Apart: Becoming Dominican American
Jasminne Mendez
Still beaming from learning that @jasminnemendez’s collection CITY WITHOUT ALTAR (@Noemi_Press) has won the @texas_letters 2023 Best Book of Poetry! Jasminne been making ✨📚 & so happy to hear she was also a finalist for her YA book: ISLANDS APART: BECOMING DOMINICAN AMERICAN!
Paperback, 2022
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Year of the Dog
Deborah Paredez
"Year of the Dog" (@boaeditions) by @debparedez. "Audio frequency refers / to the range of sound that is audible to the human ear." Yes! And the poetic frequency Deborah attunes us to in the collection is continually from the spirit of remembering.
Paperback, 2020
$17.00$8.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Winter Phoenix: Testimonies in Verse
Sophia Terazawa
@Omnidawn @PENamerica @maider_vang @GraywolfPress @FresnoStateEngl @AAHedgeCoke @rugamarspr @craigsperez @Noemi_Press @smallpresstraff @sstaits @Laureate_lab @960Jacob @sygnifics @mariahdbosch @senorcardinal Sophia Terazawa's WINTER PHOENIX dropped via @DeepVellum, a transformational collection toward a new healing that I blurbed at the onset of 2021. Link to her book:
Paperback, 2021
$16.00$8.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Relinquenda: Poems
Alexandra Regalado
SEND: @LetrasLatinas #AndrésMontoyaPoetryPrize opens 2/1, so you have time to prepare the poems. Judged by @shelamal & Alexandra Lytton Regalado w/ pre-lim judges @adelanajarro & @AriCisco, the prize supports a 1st full-length collection by a Latinx poet.
Paperback, 2022
$16.95$8.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Customs: Poems
Solmaz Sharif
Solmaz Sharif - CUSTOMS (@GraywolfPress):
Paperback, 2022
$16.00$8.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Ante body
Marwa Helal
Marwa Helal - ANTE BODY (@nightboatbooks):
Paperback, 2022
$16.95$8.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book