Caitlin Kunkel is working on longer stuff Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Caitlin Kunkel is working on longer stuff on X
Funny writer of fiction + satire for @newyorkerhumor, @nytimes, @mcsweeneys. Teach @CatapultStory, co-founder of @satireandhumor, rep @dblackagency

Marrying the Ketchups
Jennifer Close
This is such a good episode. I took the Novel Generator class with @jenniferclose through @CatapultStory last year, and she is one of the best writing teachers I’ve ever worked with. Can’t wait to dive into MARRYING THE KETCHUPS!
Paperback, 2023
$17.00$8.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Praying to the West: How Muslims Shaped the Americas
Omar Mouallem
Happy book birthday to @OmarMouallem and PRAYING TO THE WEST! Omar is the "fake dean" of @PandemicSchool, and has done so much for writers over the past 18 months. I highly recommend getting a copy of this essential book!
Hardcover, 2021
$27.00$13.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Deacon King Kong (Oprah's Book Club)
James McBride
I'm reading this one now—DEACON KING KONG by James McBride: "Deacon Cuffy Lambkin of Five Ends Baptist Church became a walking dead man on a cloudy September afternoon in 1969." Time period, main character, VERY high stakes situation, it's all here!
Paperback, 2021
$18.00$9.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Slouchers: The Novelization
Mike Sacks
Ordering @michaelbsacks' hilarious new book "Slouchers" ASAP for several comedy fans (including myself!) for the holidays. It's the third in his series of fake film novelizations, this one parodying 90's grunge. Read an excerpt from @mcsweeneys here!
Paperback, 2020
$20.00$10.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Priestdaddy: A Memoir
Patricia Lockwood
@angrymobdc That’s definitely something I touch on in my Modern Comic Lit class, balancing grounded emotion with comedic action—good idea for a stand alone class! I think Made for Love (fiction) by Alissa Nutting and Priestdaddy (memoir) by Patricia Lockwood are great at this
Paperback, 2018
$18.00$9.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Interior Chinatown: A Novel (National Book Award Winner)
Charles Yu
Read "Interior Chinatown" by @charles_yu and "Several People are Typing" by @cjkasulke this week—I love novels written in unexpected forms! These two were written as a screenplay and Slack messages, respectively. Anyone have other recs for me in this particular style?
Paperback, 2020
$17.00$8.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Black Buck
Mateo Askaripour
I really love this piece that @karacut called out in her newsletter today, written by @AskMateo. I have Black Buck on my reading list next!
Paperback, 2022
$16.99$8.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Melissa Febos
I really connected with this piece by @melissafebos, whose new book GIRLHOOD I’m patiently awaiting from @Bookshop_Org!
Paperback, 2022
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Love: Gepunktetes A5 Notizbuch oder Heft für Schüler, Studenten und Erwachsene
Pm Books
I've added another section of my Reading Modern Comic Lit as Writers class @CatapultStory! This one is every other Wednesday, starting 3/16, from 1-3pm ET (good for freelancers, people not on a 9-5 schedule, or if you can get away). I love these books!
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She's Come Undone
Wally Lamb
SHE’S COME UNDONE by Wally Lamb (1997)
Paperback, 1996
$18.99$9.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book