Craig Newman Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Craig Newman on X
Ex @crainschicago, @suntimes, @bostonglobe, @nwitimes. M Ed social science. Teacher and baseball @amundsen_hs. I endorse nothing. Not @craignewmark. Blue check.

The Holocaust
James Bulgin
Hitler didn’t build the path to the Holocaust alone – ordinary people were active participants | James Bulgin
Paperback, 2022
$30.00$15.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Third Reconstruction: America's Struggle for Racial Justice in the Twenty-First Century
Peniel E. Joseph
A history of American racism that helps explain present injustices In ‘The Third Reconstruction,’ Peniel E. Joseph explores why virulent racial animosity persists
Hardcover, 2022
$27.00$13.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Teaching White Supremacy: America's Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National Identity
Donald Yacovone
In Teaching White Supremacy, Donald Yacovone traces how the writing of American history, from Reconstruction on, has falsified and illuminated our racial past.
Paperback, 2023
$20.00$10.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Maus: A Survivor's Tale Part I: My Father Bleeds History (Maus #01)
Art Spiegelman
Tennessee school board bans Holocaust graphic novel 'Maus' – author Art Spiegelman condemns the move as 'Orwellian'
Hardcover, 1986
$36.00$18.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Power of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth and Why I Blew the Whistle on Facebook
Frances Haugen
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen warns of algorithmic dangers In ‘The Power of One,’ Haugen says a continued lack of transparency allows social media to cause harm
Hardcover, 2023
$30.00$15.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States
Erika Lee
@KevinMKruse @DavidAvromBell @AriKelman @prof_erikalee @sarahchurchwell @dimmerwahr @gerry_cadava @mkazin @NaomiOreskes @ErikMConway @rauchway @DrKarenLCox @GilmoreGlenda @LarryGlickman @JoshuaMZeitz @elizabhinton @kathleen_belew @nataliapetrzela @ProfCAnderson Erika Lee’s America for Americans is brilliant.
Paperback, 2021
$21.99$10.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Souls of Black Folk
W. E. B. Du Bois
“Honest and earnest criticism from those whose interests are most nearly touched,- criticism of writers by readers, of government by those governed, of leaders by those led, - this is the soul of democracy and the safeguard of modern society” ― W.E.B. Du Bois, Souls of Black Folk
Paperback, 2004
$51.99$26.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book(max discount $25)