Diana B. Henriques Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Diana B. Henriques on X
Author of 'Taming the Street: The Old Guard, the New Deal, and FDR's Fight to Regulate American Capitalism' and the NYT bestseller 'The Wizard of Lies.'

John Hamilton
@DailyTrix @joshtpm Only if you omit #RNC chairman John D.M. Hamilton, who led the Alf Landon's 1936 campaign vs #FDR. Landon lost every state except Maine and Vermont; even Hoover fared better, carrying 8 states in 1932. Hamilton kept his job until 1940. Different times...
Hardcover, 2016
$35.64$17.82 + Free shipping50% off your first book
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War
Max Brooks
@daveweigel World War Z. Max Brooks, the novel's author, no doubt agrees. He allegedly refused to let the movie tie-in book cover feature the film's star, Brad Pitt, because his character wasn't even IN the novel.
Paperback, 2007
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Crossing to Safety
Wallace Stegner
@theillustrious Anything by Peter Heller but especially "The Dog Star." Sarah Winman's "Still Life." Wallace Stegner's "Crossing to Safety." Elizabeth von Arnom's "The Enchanted April." Recalling them, I think it's time for some re-reading!
Paperback, 2002
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country
Laton McCartney
@rauchway @PaulMSparrow1 Missing from these citations? Piketty, documenting the growth in income inequality during the 1920s. Laton McCartney or any other historian of the Teapot Dome scandal. An agricultural historian on the uncured farm slump in 1920s....
Paperback, 2009
$21.00$10.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America
Barbara Ehrenreich
Heartbreaking to lose Barbara Ehrenreich. In 2001, I reviewed her "Nickel and Dimed" for the NYT business section. I link to it here to offer you a sense of what a remarkable woman and journalist she was: https://t.co/9msTy2ehsw https://t.co/2dCYCvG0t3
Out of stock

Man He Became: How FDR Defied Polio to Win the Presidency
James Tobin
Show me you have never heard of #FDR, Eleanor Roosevelt, and his successful 1928 run for NY governor while fighting back from polio... without, you know. @beyondreasdoubt needs to read James Tobin's "The Man He Became." We all do! https://t.co/oIL2QITs2p
Paperback, 2014
$22.99$11.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The River
Peter Heller
@jmflam @theillustrious Just finished Peter Heller's "The River," which I consumed in one breathless gulp that ended at 1:30 a.m. The characters still haunt me. Don't miss it!
Paperback, 2020
$17.00$8.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World (Pulitzer Prize Winner)
Liaquat Ahamed
@sdonnan I loved "The Myth of a Rational Market" by Justin Fox and "Lords of Finance" by Liaquat Ahamed. Both apply economics to the real world and show how disastrous it can when economists get it wrong...
Paperback, 2009
$22.00$11.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Max Brooks' the Extinction Parade Volume 2: War
Max Brooks
@daveweigel World War Z. Max Brooks, the novel's author, no doubt agrees. He allegedly refused to let the movie tie-in book cover feature the film's star, Brad Pitt, because his character wasn't even IN the novel.
Paperback, 2015
$19.99$9.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Reading- The Grand Illusion: How and Why People Make Sense of Print
Kenneth Goodman
@KeithNHumphreys @Steven_Strauss Yes, an alternate reading of Genesis 2:31, I believe...
Paperback, 2016
$48.95$24.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book