Hall Ways Blog Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Hall Ways Blog on X
Owner/Publisher @LoneStarLit #LoneStarLit. Reading, reviewing, & blogging on #HallWaysBlog. All-up-in librarianship & sharing the love of all things #bookish.

Gone To Dallas: The Storekeeper 1856-1861
Laurie Moore-Moore
"Laurie Moore-Moore has a knack for breathing life into characters, endearing them to you instantly." Today, #LoneStarLit Book #BlogTours brings a new @Missus_Gonzo & 5 STARS + #WIN an autographed copy of GONE TO DALLAS! Check it out! https://missusgonzo.wordpress.com/2021/10/29/review-giveaway-gone-to-dallas-by-laurie-moore-moore/ https://t.co/YxIkyObpt1
Paperback, 2021
$17.95$8.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Dreams Come True
Spiros Kalampalikis
"This book made me cry. It also made me laugh and sigh. Huge kudos to the author for invoking strong emotions in this reader." @MaidaMalby #bookreview & #bookstragram of LOVE & THE DREAM COME TRUE by @tlgraybooks + #SeriesGiveaway on #LoneStarLit Tour! https://t.co/U50TeBLihE https://t.co/EiwqqMOpmv
Hardcover, 2018
$23.99$11.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Last White Man
Mohsin Hamid
@InprintHouston has NAILED it again with their lineup for the next year of the MRB #ReadingSeries (which kicked off last week with the fascinating Mohsin Hamid / The Last White Man). I would definitely splurge on season tickets if I lived in H-Town. #LiteraryTexas https://t.co/gGNeuhkuha
Paperback, 2023
$17.00$8.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Dennis Leppanen
WHOO HOO for @tracyborgmeyer and her first book in the wonderful Halley Harper Science Girl Extraordinaire series! If I still worked in a school library, I would have multiple copies of the whole, 5-book series on the shelves. #literarytexas #sciencegirls #kidlit #STEMbooks https://t.co/NehqIBooWM
Paperback, 2009
$13.99$6.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Scattered Legacy
Marlene M. Bell
@maryannwrites enjoyed the intrigue & living vicariously through SCATTERED LEGACY by Marlene M. Bell! Read the #bookreview & enter to #WIN BOOKS & a HUGE Italian-themed prize pack on #LoneStarLit Tour w/@ewephoric! #AnnalisseSeries #MurderInSouthernItaly https://maryannwrites.com/2021/11/30/book-blog-tour-scattered-legacy-by-marlene-m-bell/
Paperback, 2021
$24.95$12.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Anthony Doerr
@InprintHouston hosts #PulitzerPrizeWinner ANTHONY DOERR, Y'ALL! He'll read from his new novel CLOUD CUCKOO LAND (#NationalBookAwardFinalist)! Online, 10/18. $30 tix include access to the reading, a hardcover copy of the book, & US shipping. https://inprinthouston.org/event/inprint-anthony-doerr-livestream-reading/ #LoneStarLit https://t.co/AnMtCh2PWE
Paperback, 2022
$20.00$10.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Marva Cope
Teddy Jones
"Fantabulous!" RAVE REVIEW & #5Stars to MARVA COPE by Teddy Jones on this last day of the #LoneStarLit Tour. Read blogger @ScholarStephens #bookreview & enter to #WIN all 4 #JacksonsPondTexas books on Forgotten Winds blog. https://t.co/2IojHUjHyG https://t.co/b5gQkG407u
Paperback, 2023
$14.99$7.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Waco Rising: David Koresh, the Fbi, and the Birth of America's Modern Militias
Kevin Cook
Check out the latest #LoneStarLit Weekend Reads -- and go to the @LoneStarLit website for #bookreviews of THE SPITE HOUSE & ANGELS IN DALLAS, an #excerpt from WACO RISING, and SURVIVAL by @LHarris_Writes starts its #BlogTour next week! https://t.co/SdKP1XGAxm
Hardcover, 2023
$29.99$14.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Big Empty
Loren C. Steffy
"Hang on to your Stetson as this story rolls to a dramatic climax." @maryannwrites shares her #bookreview of THE BIG EMPTY by @lsteffy! Visit It's Not All Gravy blog to read more & enter the #giveaway on #LoneStarLit Tour! #contemporary #western #TexasBook https://maryannwrites.com/2021/11/20/book-blog-tour-the-big-empty-by-loren-c-steffy/
Paperback, 2023
$18.95$9.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Dark Room Etiquette
Robin Roe
This #WaybackWednesday post from #LoneStarLit is now a #ThrowbackThursday post for me! Great interview with Robin Roe just as her next book, DARK ROOM ETIQUETTE (@harperteen) is about to publish on 10/11! https://t.co/ZcMA0Z1Jjy
Paperback, 2023
$15.99$7.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book