JW Mason Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
JW Mason on X
Associate professor of economics, John Jay College-CUNY. Fellow @rooseveltinst. Spouse of @LauraTanenbaum, father of Eli and Abraham.

Night Train
Martin Amis
I don't know that I would recommend him today, but in my 20s I was a big admirer of Martin Amis and read all of his novels from Success through Night Train. A review of the latter was one of my first published articles. https://t.co/LZ0g3wnPHX
Paperback, 1999
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The People's Republic of Walmart: How the World's Biggest Corporations Are Laying the Foundation for Socialism
Leigh Phillips
Was just rereading The People's Republic of Walmart by @Leigh_Phillips and @michalrozworski. Such a great book!
Paperback, 2019
$19.95$9.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Ancient Economy: Volume 43
M. I. Finley
@izakaminska @IsabellaMWeber @MegJacobs100 :-) I remember reading about this in M. I. Finley's The Ancient Economy. Unfortunately, I don't remember what his judgement on it was.
Paperback, 1999
$30.95$15.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898
Edwin G. Burrows
For the past few months I've been listening to Mike Wallace's Gotham as I cooked dinner and did other household tasks. Kept thinking I ought to be live-tweeting. I'm now in chapter 47, but in the spirit of best time to plant a tree, think I'll begin.
Paperback, 2000
$39.99$20.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal
Kate Aronoff
Past students in the John Jay economics MA program include @KateAronoff, author of A Planet to Win: Why We Need a Green New Deal; journalist @aidachavez; @lrmelodia, Deputy Director, Center NYC Affairs; @PEWilliams_ , Director, Center for Public Enterprise. It's quite a crew!
Paperback, 2019
$19.95$9.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book