Lissa Warren Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Lissa Warren on X
Book publicist. Adjunct Professor at Emerson College. Author of The Savvy Author's Guide to Book Publicity and The Good Luck Cat. Tea-swilling workaholic.

Saving Grace: What Patients Teach Their Doctors about Life, Death, and the Balance in Between
David D. Alfery
At the 21:35 mark, hear cardiac anesthesiologist @drdavidalfery discussing his memoir, SAVING GRACE: What Patients Teach Their Doctors About Life, Death, and the Balance in Between, on @WWDB_AM_860's "Brian and Lee Show": @wipfandstock
Paperback, 2023
$21.00$10.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
What's What And What To Do About It
Waldo Mellon
“WHAT'S WHAT AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT is a sort of Socratic dialogue for today’s world by a writer who was raised (literally) in the house of Kurt Vonnegut. The influence shows.” @shepherdexpress on @TheRealWaldoM's book. Full review here: @7StoriesPress
Paperback, 2014
$14.99$7.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Heroes Are Human: Lessons in Resilience, Courage, and Wisdom from the Covid Front Lines
Bob Delaney
Nice to hear Bob Delaney discussing his book, HEROES ARE HUMAN: Lessons in Resilience, Courage, and Wisdom from the COVID Front Lines, on the "Ask Win" podcast: @heroesarehuman
Hardcover, 2022
$26.99$13.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Surviving: Why We Stay and How We Leave Abusive Relationships
Beverly Gooden
Have a listen to @bevtgooden discussing her book, SURVIVING: Why We Stay and How We Leave Abusive Relationships, on @PIVTRFoundation's #ChattingwithBetsy: @RLPGBooks
Hardcover, 2022
$24.95$12.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book
In Shakespeare's Shadow: A Rogue Scholar's Quest to Reveal the True Source Behind the World's Greatest Plays
Michael Blanding
Tune in to @WBAI's @lopateatlarge at 1 p.m. ET today (Monday, 6/7) to hear @michaelblanding discuss his new book, NORTH BY SHAKESPEARE: A Rogue Scholar’s Quest for the Truth Behind the Bard’s Work. @HachetteBooks
Paperback, 2022
$18.99$9.49 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Desert Shield
Matt Jackson
Her mom, an Army nurse, deployed as part of Desert Shield when she was 7. After 9/11, @LaurenKayJ deployed to Afghanistan as part of a provincial reconstruction team. Hear her discuss her memoir, THE FINE ART OF CAMOUFLAGE, on @NewBooksNetwork: @MilspeakF
Paperback, 2021
$21.99$10.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Airwaves: A Collection of Radio Editorials from the Golden Apple
William O'Shaughnessy
Listen to anesthesiologist @drdavidalfery discussing pain, consciousness, the corporatization of medicine, and his book, SAVING GRACE: What Patients Teach Their Doctors About Life, Death, and the Balance in Between, on @KWMRradio's Airwaves: @wipfandstock
Hardcover, 1999
$39.00$19.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Damaged Heritage: The Elaine Race Massacre and a Story of Reconciliation
J. Chester Johnson
“@JChesterJohnson is a gifted writer. DAMAGED HERITAGE is part memoir, part history, and part essay on racism, all tied together by a story of a friendship that transcended the racial gulf that so regularly plagues our country." @Amerbookreview @WhitakerRB
Hardcover, 2020
$27.95$13.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Uprooted: Family Trauma, Unknown Origins, and the Secretive History of Artificial Insemination
Peter J. Boni
Fascinating interview with @PeterJBoni1, author of UPROOTED: Family Trauma, Unknown Origins, and the Secretive History of Artificial Insemination, on @PulledR. You can listen to it here: @GreenleafBookGr
Hardcover, 2022
$23.95$11.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Saving Grace: Speak Your Truth, Stay Centered, and Learn to Coexist with People Who Drive You Nuts
Kirsten Powers
A full-page review for @drdavidalfery's memoir, SAVING GRACE, in the February issue of @_Anesthesiology: “Moving and well told…Elegant and vivid language...A highly recommended read for teachers, students, patients, and physicians alike.” @wipfandstock
Paperback, 2023
$18.00$9.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book