Little A Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Little A on X
Tweets from the literary fiction and nonfiction imprint of Amazon Publishing (@AmazonPub).

Maniac: The Bath School Disaster and the Birth of the Modern Mass Killer
Harold Schechter
2021's most highly anticipated new books, including Harold Schechter's MANIAC and @kenneth_rosen's TROUBLED. 👏
Paperback, 2021
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Widowish: A Memoir
Melissa Gould
Last chance to check out January's Amazon First Reads pick: Widowish, a hopeful memoir of grieving outside the box and the surprising nature of love. @TheMelissaGould
Hardcover, 2021
$24.95$12.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book
They Could Have Named Her Anything
Stephanie Jimenez
Awesome to see THEY COULD HAVE NAMED HER ANYTHING on this list! @estefsays August 2019 Reads for the Rest of Us via @karlajstrand
Paperback, 2019
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Woman in the Moonlight
Patricia Morrisroe
The woman at the heart of Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight’ Sonata by Patricia Morrisroe, author of the upcoming novel THE WOMAN IN THE MOONLIGHT.
Paperback, 2020
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Open House
Katie Sise
Check out this month's Amazon First Reads pick OPEN HOUSE by @KatieSise. The novel is full of twists and turns!
Paperback, 2020
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Those Who Wander: America's Lost Street Kids
Vivian Ho
Awesome @sfchronicle review of THOSE WHO WANDER by @VivianHo
Paperback, 2019
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
That Wild Country: An Epic Journey Through the Past, Present, and Future of America's Public Lands
Mark Kenyon
Check out our new #AmazonFirstReads book THAT WILD COUNTRY by @WiredToHunt--an "intimate and informative journey"* journey through the past and future of America's most wild public lands. It's a perfect book to read by the fire. *@KirkusReviews
Paperback, 2019
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Monsoon Mansion: A Memoir
Cinelle Barnes
Hot off the press! We’re so excited to celebrate the publication of MALAYA: ESSAYS ON FREEDOM by Cinelle Barnes, author of MONSOON MANSION. MALAYA is a beautiful mediation on immigration, assimilation, and motherhood. Get your copy today!
Paperback, 2018
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Monster City: Murder, Music, and Mayhem in Nashville's Dark Age
Michael Arntfield
Amazing to see @DEADLINE reporting that @newmetricmedia is developing a drama based on Dr. Michael Arntfeld's MONSTER CITY: Murder, Music, and Mayhem in Nashville’s Dark Age! Read the book that started it all now:
Paperback, 2018
$14.95$7.47 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Wholly Unraveled: A Memoir
Keele Burgin
Excited to announce that @KeeleBurgin's WHOLLY UNRAVELED is now available through #AmazonFirstReads! Not for the faint of heart, this stunning, no-frills, memoir will immerse you in a young women’s story of triumph in the face of impossible circumstances.
Hardcover, 2019
$24.95$12.48 + Free shipping50% off your first book