Niall Ferguson Book Recommendations & Book Mentions
This list consists of recommendations or mentions of books spotted in media, social media accounts, podcasts or other public websites.
Niall Ferguson on X
Niall Ferguson is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist. International man of history. Author, @HooverInst senior fellow, @bopinion columnist. Latest book, DOOM: The Politics of Catastrophe (Penguin). Opinions my own.

Heartland: Three Essays on Geopolitics
Halford Mackinder
Two weeks ago, I warned that the geopolitics of Cold War II seemed to be pitting Halford J. Mackinder’s Eurasian “Heartland” against Nicholas J. Spykman’s “Rimland.” I worried that the Rimland was showing signs of division. But maybe it’s the Heartland that’s cracking up. 1/8
Paperback, 2022
$14.00$7.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book
The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-First Century's Greatest Dilemma
Mustafa Suleyman
Dazzling... You have by now read a great deal of both hype and doom-mongering on the subject [of AI]. But Suleyman's is the book you cannot afford not to read.
Hardcover, 2023
$32.50$16.25 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Panopticon: Or The Inspection House (1791)
Jeremy Bentham
Americans are Social Darwinists. China is the Panopticon. There is no other way to make sense of the hugely divergent responses of the U.S. and the PRC to the pandemic. Hat-tips to Herbert Spencer and Jeremy Bentham:
Hardcover, 2010
$50.95$25.95 + Free shipping50% off your first book(max discount $25)
Global Discord: Values and Power in a Fractured World Order
Paul Tucker
My interview with Sir Paul Tucker about his ambitious and illuminating new book, "Global Discord."
Paperback, 2024
$27.95$13.98 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Superpower in Peril: A Battle Plan to Renew America
David McCormick
Warm congratulations to my friend @DaveMcCormickPA on the publication today of his compelling and timely book "Superpower in Peril."
Hardcover, 2023
$29.00$14.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
War Lords and the Gallipoli Disaster: How Globalized Trade Led Britain to Its Worst Defeat of the First World War
Nicholas A. Lambert
I highly recommend Nick Lambert's books: "Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War" and "The War Lords and the Gallipoli Disaster: How Globalized Trade Led Britain to Its Worst Defeat of the First World War."
Hardcover, 2021
$63.00$38.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book(max discount $25)
Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War
Nicholas A. Lambert
I highly recommend Nick Lambert's books: "Planning Armageddon: British Economic Warfare and the First World War" and "The War Lords and the Gallipoli Disaster: How Globalized Trade Led Britain to Its Worst Defeat of the First World War."
Hardcover, 2012
$61.00$36.00 + Free shipping50% off your first book(max discount $25)
The Satanic Verses
Salman Rushdie
“I once wanted to burn ‘The Satanic Verses.’ Now I weep for Salman Rushdie,” writes @Ayaan
Paperback, 2008
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
James Joyce
"The ends that historians identify (if only to finish their books) are thus somewhat arbitrary, like punctuation marks inserted by a clueless editor into Molly Bloom’s stream of consciousness in James Joyce’s 'Ulysses.' There is no end of history; only the history of ends."
Paperback, 1990
$19.00$9.50 + Free shipping50% off your first book
Narrative of the Life
Frederick Douglass
"Discussion of 'Huck Finn,' reading the forbidden word aloud from the autobiographical "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass," and ... making arguments on all sides of contentious issues such as the equality of the sexes" led to what the Nazis called "Lehrverbot."
Paperback, 2013
$7.99$3.99 + Free shipping50% off your first book