Critic Reviews
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The crew of the legendary Capricious are rich enough to retire in comfort for the rest of their days, but none of it matters if the galaxy is still in danger.
Nilah and Boots, the ship's newest crew-members hear the word of a mysterious cult that may have links back to an ancient and all-powerful magic. To find it, hot-headed Nilah will have to go undercover and find the source of their power without revealing her true identity. Meanwhile, Boots is forced to confront the one person she'd hoped never to see again: her old, turn-coat treasure-hunting partner.
Alex lives in the shadow of Huntsville, Alabama's rockets with their spouse, son, two dogs and a cat named Grim. Favored pastimes include Legos and racecars. They take their whiskey neat and their espresso black.
A leading publisher of science fiction and fantasy. An imprint of @HachetteUS and @LittleBrownUK.
A BAD DEAL FOR THE WHOLE GALAXY, book two in @alexrwhite's Salvagers series, is on sale now from Orbit US! Haven't read book one yet? A BIG SHIP AT THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE is now available in audio from our friends @HachetteAudio!
Corey (he/him). Slow reader. Possibly world’s least critical Star Wars fan.
A Bad Deal for the Whole Galaxy by @alexrwhite was just a goddamn blast, cover to cover! Super excited to see how this trilogy ends! Shoutout to my friend @mkrazyy for buddy reading this with me! 🚀✨🪐