Beginning with George Washington's inauguration and continuing into the nineteenth century, The New Nation tells the story of the remarkable challenges that the freshly formed United States faced. Thomas Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territories (bought from France at a mere four cents an acre!), Lewis and Clark's daring expedition through this wilderness, the War of 1812 a.k.a. "Revolutionary War, Part II," Tecumseh's effort to form an Indian confederacy, the growth of Southern plantations, the beginning of the abolitionist movement, and the disgraceful Trail of Tears are just a few of the setbacks, sidetracks, and formidable tasks put in the new nation's path. Master storyteller Joy Hakim weaves these dramatic events and more into a seamless tale that's so exciting, how could it be true? But it is- it's A History of US.
"Joy Hakim didn't rewrite history. But she did make it a whole lot more fun to read."--Education Week
"Readers young and old will find themselves amused, amazed, and engrossed by this searching, opinionated survey. In every sense a fresh look at our history." --Kirkus Reviews
"Merits every accolade, starting with the most personal: I couldn't put it down."--Washington Post Book World
"The liveliest, most realistic, most well-received American history series ever written for children."--Los Angeles Times
"A thorough and accurate narrative of our nation's history."--The Philadelphia Inquirer
"I think this is the best American history written for young people that I have ever seen."--David Herbert Donald, Harvard University; Pulitzer prize-winning author of Lincoln
"When master storyteller Joy Hakim wields her pen, you're in for a breathtaking adventure."--Teaching K-8
"An attention to detail and drama alike make these recommended choices for not only readers ages 8-13 but for entire families."--Children's Bookwatch
"Absorbing, real and even fun to read."--Voice of Youth Advocates
"Books of real substance that speak directly to kids."--Jean Fritz, author of Shhh, We're Writing the Constitution
"One of the best nonfiction series of the decade. Impossible to put down."--School Library Journal