Though remarkably detailed, the A House Deconstructed contends that a huge proportion of what we 'know' about the house is unknowable, not because our epistemological instruments aren't strong enough or calibrated precisely enough, but because things themselves are indeterminate, uncertain.
This begs the question about agency. If we are to critique our profession and even improve some of its claims about Sustainability, then we must develop a more robust understanding of the building industry and the sourcing and making of materials. We must even develop a stronger awareness of the history of atoms and how architecture brings that history into a remarkable focus.
The MIT Department of Architecture is a department in the School of Architecture + Planning, @mitsap. Related: @akpiamit, @actmit, @mitdusp, @medialab
Two new publications from Mark Jarzombek #MITHTC, “Architecture Constructed: Notes on a Discipline” and “A House Deconstructed”, are available now. Learn more: @mitsap
Leading publisher of groundbreaking and carefully crafted books investigating architecture, urbanism & landscape.
Proud to see three of our #books selected! Michael Meredith, Hilary Sample, MOS's A Book on Making a Petite École; Mark Jarzombek and Vikramaditya Prakash's A House Deconstructed; and Nina Rappaport's Hybrid Factory, Hybrid City!