Accessible yet challenging, this richly illustrated work shows the direct relevance of contemporary art to everyday life. Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, Maya Lin, Matthew Barney, and Barbara Kruger are just a few of the artists represented in a book that spans varied mediums to reveal the full breadth of art in today's America.
Art, student activities, & more! Bette Blank, #PinkCadillac, 2010 (detail)...full caption:
Join Us for Opening Weekend! 2/11, 4-7pm / Opening Reception for "Komar and Melamid: A Lesson in History" 2/12, 2-5:30pm / Conversation w/ Robert Storr and Reenactment of K&M performance "Art Belongs to People" #Free & Open to the Public
The nexus for artists of African descent. The Studio Museum is currently closed as we continue to build our new museum, but programming continues #inHarlem.
"Collecting art is a critical part of Ray's life. He sees it as central to who he is. Living with these works of art is an active relationship for him." —Thelma Golden
CITYarts connects youth, professional artists, and communities by promoting creativity through public art in New York City and around the world.
Art collector Bernard Lumpkin receiving his CITYarts Making a Difference Through the Arts award from Thelma Golden, with his family in the background. #CITYarts #younggiftedblackart #bernardlumpkin #thelmagolden #makingadifference #brickaward #art #artcollector