Artichoke Tales is a coming-of-age story about a young girl named Brigitte whose family is caught between the two warring sides of a civil war. It takes place in a world that echoes our own, but whose people have artichoke leaves instead of hair. Influenced in equal parts by Little House on the Prairie, The Thorn Birds, Dharma Bums, and Cold Mountain, Kelso weaves a moving story about family amidst war. Kelso's visual storytelling uniquely combines delicate linework with rhythmic page compositions, creating a dramatic tension between intimate, ruminative character studies and the unflinching depiction of the consequences of war and carnage, lending cohesion and resonance to a generational epic.
Publisher of the World's Greatest Cartoonists Since 1976.
Out now: Artichoke Tales by @megangirlhero! We just brought this coming-of-age story back in a new paperback edition and it’s lovely ❤️
The official twitter account for the new Slings and Arrows Graphic Novel Guide.
Megan Kelso's Artichoke Tales "is truly magical and awaits your avid, appreciative attention and consumption". A generational saga of stories within stories, all beguiling. @megangirlhero @fantagraphics
Providing support to artists since 2007. Occasional table flipper. Former publisher. Happily unverified.
Koyama Provides a $1,500 CDN Grant to Megan Kelso! "I was late to the party in discovering Megan's work. I liked her ARTICHOKE TALES and more recently was blown away by her etched and painted installation, called CROW COMMUTE. Full post here: