What do you get when a down-on-his-heels puppeteer working as a file clerk on the seventh-and-a-half floor of a Manhattan office building discovers a secret portal into the brain of John Malkovich? Hilarity, drama, and perhaps the most unique film of the 90s. Being John Malkovich, which stars John Cusack, Cameron Diaz and, of course, John Malkovich as himself, is Charlie Kaufman's screenwriting debut. The movie premiered to universal acclaim and is guaranteed to become a classic of modern cinema.
Charlie Kaufman is also the scriptwriter for Adaptation.
CONSTELLATIONS (essays) | THIS WOMAN’S WORK: Essays on Music w/@kimletgordon | HAGSTONE (novel) April ‘24 @4thEstate | Agent: Peter Straus @rcwlitagency She/Her
For @bloomsdayfilmf1, I’m interviewing Charlie Kaufman (Being John Malkovich, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind) and Eva H. D. (whose poem Bonedog was used in I’m Thinking of Ending Things) about their new film Jackals and Fireflies. June 15th @IFI_Dub https://t.co/bXsnyuEWsN https://t.co/3EOx7pb9BQ
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Congratulations to John Patton Ford for winning Best First Screenplay at the @filmindependent #SpiritAwards. Previous winners of this award include Darren Aronofsky ("Pi") and Charlie Kaufman for ("Being John Malkovich") Winners List: https://t.co/5mJCrw59aj https://t.co/zHiLO9QOou
Reminding you why you love football.
Being John Malkovich is a 1999 American fantasy comedy film directed by Spike Jonze and written by Charlie Kaufman, both making their feature film debut. The film stars John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, and Catherine Keener, with John Malkovich as a satirical version of himself. https://t.co/9l9R19Hj5a
"A wonderfully demented fantasia . . . inspired madness . . . a metaphysical journey about identity, gender, creativity and the urge to transform oneself, Being John Malkovich looks as if it were hatched by Terry Gilliam or Lewis Carroll on drugs." --Edward Guthmann, San Francisco Chronicle
"A clever and outrageous piece of whimsical fantasy that is unique, unpredictable, and more than a little strange. Kaufman . . . has a truly singular imagination." --Kenneth Turan, The Los Angeles Times
"More than just the latest cool, smart, funny movie. It jumps off the screen with . . . freshness, originality and [a] light-handed stranglehold on the Zeitgeist." --Jay Carr, The Boston Globe
"Every once in a long, long while a movie comes along that is like no other. A movie that creates a new world for us and uses it to produce wonderful things." --Roger Ebert, Chicago-Sun Times
"The most excitingly original movie of the year." --Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly