La Biblia de la mujer conforme al corazón de Dios está pensada para ti, mujer, que buscas respuestas y deseas profundizar tu conocimiento de la Palabra de Dios. Elizabeth George te acompaña en tu lectura comunicando la sabiduría que ha adquirido en más de 30 años como maestra bíblica para mujeres. Su deseo es que estudies la Palabra de Dios para conocer mejor la vida que Él desea para ti.
Con este propósito, la Biblia de la mujer conforme al corazón de Dios te proporciona material de estudio, palabras de aliento y sabiduría que puedes aplicar a tu vida.
The Bible for Women After God's Own Heart is a Bible that informs and teaches, inspires and helps you grow, and will delight and help you every day. This Bible includes introductions to all of the books of the Bible, 172 biographies of the main women and men of the Bible, 25 wisdom articles and 400 wisdom pearls, daily devotions, lessons for today's women and more.
Elizabeth George, whose books have sold more than 6.5 million copies, is the author of A Woman After God's Own Heart(R) (more than 1 million copies sold) and Breaking the Worry Habit Forever!> She's also a popular speaker at Christian women's events. Elizabeth and her husband, Jim, are parents and grandparents, and have been active in ministry for more than thirty years.