Oraciones, pensamientos, anhelos y gratitud: Dios está al tanto y desea estar al tanto de todo lo que nos rodea. En este bello diario, diseñado con la mujer en mente, las lectoras se convertirán ahora en autoras del registro de su crecimiento espiritual. Con espacios destinados para expresarse con libertad, un formato de alta portabilidad y materiales de la más alta calidad, este Diario de la mujer conforme al corazón de Dios le acompañará en su tiempo diario con Dios. (Este diario acompaña y se coordina con la lectura y uso devocional de la Biblia de la mujer conforme al corazón de Dios, disponible por separado).
Prayers, thoughts, longings and gratitude: God is aware and wants to be aware of everything around us. In this beautiful journal, designed for women, readers will now become the authors of the record of their spiritual growth. With spaces for journaling, a highly portable format, and the highest quality materials, this Journal for a Woman After God's Own Heart will accompany you in your daily time with God. (This journal accompanies and coordinates with the reading and devotional use of the Woman After God's Own Heart Bible, available separately).
Elizabeth George, whose books have sold more than 6.5 million copies, is the author of A Woman After God's Own Heart(R) (more than 1 million copies sold) and Breaking the Worry Habit Forever!> She's also a popular speaker at Christian women's events. Elizabeth and her husband, Jim, are parents and grandparents, and have been active in ministry for more than thirty years.