"We create the Universe as much as it creates us." -- Stephen Hawking & Thomas Hertog
How did the Universe begin? Will it ever end? The cosmos and Man's place in it have fascinated humans for thousands of years. These mind-bending cosmic questions keep scientists awake at night, but also fuel the imagination and fantasy of artists. This unique book combines the insights of scientists and visual artists, offering a magnificent overview of the visualization of the Universe from the Neolithic to the present. In addition, dozens of stunning modern and contemporary artworks engage in a dialog with the Big Bang theory in its various forms. Professor Georges Lemaître formulated his revolutionary theory about the origin of the Universe in 1931 at the University of Leuven. In 2021, our ideas about this Big Bang and the cosmos as a whole are still evolving. Our astonishment and desire to visualize what we are unable to comprehend fully, however, remain unchanged. With enlightening contributions from Barbara Baert, Abdelkader Benali, Thomas Hertog, Hannah Redler Hawes, Jan Van der Stock, Annelies Vogels, and others.
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Thomas Hertog joins The Michael Shermer podcast to discuss what it was like working with Stephen Hawking, the big bang, and more 🌌 Listen to the episode: https://t.co/gQVLMwBxoQ
Writer and technofuturist. Author of WORLD WIDE MIND and REBUILT, and a third book in progress. I'm refreshingly deaf, but hear with two cochlear implants.
@sanjanacurtis I would agree with @hahnscratch—physics does have an aura of revelation, though of course it’s based on reason. I’m reading Thomas Hertog’s book on the Big Bang and now I sorta understand how when the Higgs field became nonzero, boom the origin of mass. Whoa.
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Thomas Hertog, on his Mastermind subject: “Cosmology with an emphasis on the first few seconds after the Big Bang. After that it gets more complicated.” https://t.co/0brBkb7HR9