All Felix Nasmyth and friends have to do is harvest a crop of Cannabis sativa and half a million tax-free dollars will be theirs. But they haven't reckoned on nosy Northern California-style neighbors, torrential rain, demands of the flesh, and Felix's improbable new love, a wayward sculptress on whose behalf he undertakes a one-man vendetta against a drug-busting state trooper named Jerpbak. As their deal escalates through crises into nightmare, their dreams of easy money get nipped in the bud.
DLJ endowed prof, Editor at CSU Press; My Chinese-America (SFWP); biography under contract; Pushcart 2020. Agent: Gail Hochman. All tweets are my own opinion.
LOL, a workshop story up today about two pot smoking brothers who are also pot dealers, and the author hadn’t ever watched a Cheech & Chong movie, or read TC Boyle’s Budding Prospects. I’m simply old enough to have lived a while.
"A first-rate picaresque adventure . . . a comic disaster on the classic and irresistible theme of the scalawag out-scalawagged."
- The Los Angeles Times
"Energetically written and very funny . . . lusty in every sense of the word, healthy, invigorating, and strong."
- The New York Times Book Review
"Boyle's characters, for all their grotesqueries, are wonderful and believable, each scene is marvelously and sensually constructed."
- The Dallas Morning News
"In an explosion of language, gaudy characters, and curious events, Boyle has provided his readers with a riotous Rabelaisian romp."
- The Seattle Times