ENGIE-Axium Endowed Prof Econ @OhioState, Assoc Dean @ASCatOSU, Co-Dir @AEAMP1. Economic History, Race, Applied Econ, and #LEGOS. #ADOS Tweets=my own
@RichardPCondon Egerton, Douglas. The Wars of Reconstruction (2014) Hahn, Steven. A Nation under Our Feet(2005) Kousser, J. Morgan. The Shaping of Southern Politics(1974) Rable, George. But There Was No Peace (2007) Sterling, Dorothy. The Trouble They Seen(1994) J. Lynch Facts of Reconstruction
Compelling and comprehensive . . . Shows Reconstruction to have been bloodier and deadlier than many would like to concede.
--Library JournalAn imaginative, well-written book . . . Correctly identifies conservative white resistance to Reconstruction as a counterrevolutionary movement willing to use any means necessary to eliminate Republican conrol of state and local government.
--American Historical ReviewRable has done a prodigious amount of digging in the sources. . . . A useful guide to the grimmer side of Reconstruction history.
--Journal of American HistoryBrings to us the simple and terrible reminder that there was no peace for blacks and their white supporters in Dixie . . . A well-written monograph that clarifies both the successes and failures of Reconstruction.
--Journal of Southern History